First of all, it can be dangerous to drink and drive. I don't encourage it. Before going out to drink you should have a plan for how you're going to get home and stick to it. I did have a plan, I did not stick to it.
I went to a bar where I've been hanging out for years, about 30 minutes from my house. My plan was simple and had always worked until that night. I would get there around 9pm, drink 2 drinks between then and 11pm, then switch to drinking sodas the rest of the night. By 2am I would be legal to drive. That was the plan.
Here's how the plan fell apart. First, they started a new waitress there that night who was fast with bringing me my drinks. This was in contrast to the previous waitress who would forget about my order and I would wait 30 minutes before getting my drinks. So I got there and drank my first drink right away. As soon as I set down my empty glass the new waitress came right over and said "Can I get you another one?" How can I say no? And 2 seconds later my new drink was on the table. I finished that one and she was right there again, "Can I get you another one?" I looked at the clock and it was barely 10pm. Four hours to go, I guess there's enough time for one more. And a few minutes later there was time for one more again. I'm not blaming the waitress, but my plan went out the window just like that. And that's the first thing that went wrong.
The second thing that went wrong was that the DJ at this bar is a girl with a real pretty smile. I'd been working for months to get her to let me take her out. She never said yes, but never said no either. So that night I was trying to work up some interest again. And right after that fourth drink came out some thug-looking guy walks into the bar goes up to her, grabs her, and kisses her, and she's kissing him back. And they're 2 feet in front of my face. I knew she'd hung out with this guy a couple times but apparently I didn't know the whole story. And this thug is the reason I can't take her out?? That was enough to make me pay my bill and get the hell out of there. I walked out, got into my car and started driving home. I knew I had alcohol in my system, but I also felt OK and was driving fine. However, the plan was cold and stiff by now.
A few minutes later I was on the freeway on the way home and I get a text message. It's from her. "Where'd you go?" How do I answer this in a text? I guess I better say something, but what? Maybe I should just ignore it? I can't think. Maybe I better pull over and think about it before I answer.
So I pulled over as far as I could on the side of the freeway. I sat there thinking about what to say and a pair of headlights pulled up behind me. I knew right away it was the CHP, and that my goose was cooked.
"What's going on?" said the flashlight in my face.
"I just pulled over to send a text. I didn't want to be texting while I was driving," I slurred while trying not to slur.
"Well, I appreciate that. Have you had anything to drink tonight?"
You can guess how the rest went. But, so you have some information, let me tell you that I answered all of his questions and mostly honestly. I did say that I had some drinks earlier. I did know enough not to do any field sobriety tests, yet it was noted in the report that I failed the one where you follow the finger with your eyes. I was arrested and blood was taken at the jail and the report said I was at 0.10% (point-one-o). My car was towed and put in storage, and I spent 8 hours in jail. When I got out I had to take a taxi over to the storage yard to get my truck out, that alone was over $200. And that's only the beginning of the expenses.
Once out of jail, the questions in my head were going a million miles an hour. I hope reading my story will convince some that a simple plan is not enough and hopefully you'll avoid going through a DUI arrest. But if it's too late now, then you have some of the same questions going through your head that I did. In future posts I'll give you my opinion on those questions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not an attorney and nothing I write about should be considered legal advice. This is merely a layman's opinion based on my recollection of my experiences for informational purposes only. If you need legal advice you should consult an attorney.
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